
Buying cars on credit

 If, when buying a car (meaning, when you are singing the contract) you want to become an owner of a vehicle, credit is the best means of financing which will suit you. You choose a vehicle, and we adjust the credit to you wishes, which means that we tailor the duration of the credit and the monthly installment rates according to your needs and wants.


  • you can buy the car entirelly on credit, without a deposit;
  • by signing the contract you become the owner of the vehicle;
  • all expenses of processing and the insurance of the credit you can finance from the credit.


Buying a car on a leasing

 Today the majority of vehicles is bought through financing, so we also recommend it...


  • credit approval process is considerably shorter and more smiple than with other means of financing;
  • applicants with lower credit standing, but bigger possibilities for saving also have the possibility to take a credit;
  •  when you buy a vehicle on leasing we tailor everything to your needs;
  • monthly intallments during the entire duration of the financing as a rule don't change;
  • during the financing period we fully adjust to you needs.


Buying a car with a credit card

 It is possible to buy a car of a motorcar with a credit card.. Depending on the amount, you can pay for the vehicle at once or in several installment rates. It is also possible to buy the vehicle for another person.


  • fast and simple sales process;
  • fast realisation;
  • minimum paperwork.

The largest selection of used cars under warranty, total number of used cars that we offer: 489.