Frequently asked questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions concerning selling cars in TRCZ automobili

How can I sell my car to TRCZ automobili in the simplest way possible?
Come to the nearest TRCZ dealership, and we will appraise your car.

Is it possible to sell my car through commission sale?

Of course it is.

Which documents do I need to have if I am selling my car to TRCZ automobili or if my car is being appraised?

Registration certificate and certificate of title to the motor vehicle.

Can I sell my vehicle even if I have a valid leasing agreement?

You can sell your vehicle if you have a valid leasing agreement.

What is the fee I have to pay for commission sale and are there any other conditions?

You have to pay a storage charge of 50kn + VAT per day.

When will I receive my money if I sell my car to TRCZ automobili?
We will make an immediate payment to your account.

How long does it take to sell my car to TRCZ automobili?
If you accept the price our appraiser offers you, the sale can be concluded immediately.

How is the payment made after selling my car to TRCZ automobili?
The payment is made directly onto the sellers account.

Who bears tax responsibility for vehicles?
We bear tax responsibilities.

Who is responsible for car appraisals at TRCZ automobili?
DEKRA, independent car appraisal company.

Do I need to pay to have my vehicle appraised?

The appraisal is free of charge.

Why do I need to give you my phone number and my email address?

So we could inform you about our current offers and reductions.

At which locations in Croatia can I sell my car to TRCZ automobili?
In Zagreb.

Where can I have my car appraised?

At all TRCZ dealerships.

When can I have my car appraised and sell my car to TRCZ automobili?

We are open from 8 to 16.

The largest selection of used cars under warranty, total number of used cars that we offer: 596.